From Past President Derek Andrew Pocket Pals. In the DG’s Newsletter There was a brief mention of a small project being run by the Rotary Club of Springwood – making and distributing small woolen dolls or “Pocket Pals”. We have obtained the pattern from Springwood Rotary and adapted it for […]

Ruth Thompson, Clare Stockdale and President Marc Wallis Our President Marc Wallis presented a cheque of $3 200 to Clown Doctors in support of their great cause. Discover the benefits of humour & laughter. Edited From Clown Doctors Australia Website Physical Benefits of Laughter Reduction of Stress Hormones Laughter reduces at […]

A great presentation on Monday 6th March by Marco Antonio Loncke to tell us more about himself, his family and friends and his country. Marco Antonio Loncke with Past President Barry Starr Marco Comes from South America, the city of  Ribeirão Preto, a large city off 720.000 people A few […]

Monday 27th February  Shirley Owles, Di McKenzie-Rabu, Brian Owles and Dominique Rabu presented a cheque for $12.000, to Bear Cottage, result of the Christmas Raffle and a contribution from our club funds. We had the great privilege to visit this great institution. Bear Cottage is the only children’s hospice in […]

Our Club had a great speaker on the 20th February Oliver Greeves Historical Author & Speaker Oliver Greeves with acting president Richard Vahtrick Oliver attacks the myth-making behind one of history’s greatest legends, offering a fresh insight into the lives of British naval hero Horatio Nelson, his devoted wife Fanny […]

Help Clare Stockdale Clean Up Australia on Sunday 5th March 2023 Clare Stockdale has been involved in Clean Up Australia Day for over 30 years. She has supervised different sites and currently does Chinaman’s Beach and Rosherville Reserve. Seymour Major has helped her set up, enrol people, deal with the […]

 Rotary Peace Fellowships  Each year, Rotary International awards fully funded Fellowships for Peacebuilders from diverse backgrounds to study at one of the Peace Centers located at premier universities around the world. This year from around the world 50 Peace Fellows will be selected to study in the Master’s degree programs, […]

Each year, Rotary International awards fully funded Fellowships for Peacebuilders from diverse backgrounds to study at one of the Peace Centers located at premier universities around the world. Rotary Peace Fellowships   This year from around the world 50 Peace Fellows will be selected to study in the Master’s degree […]

Our President Mark Wallis as had the pleasure of naming Erika Beck, Paul Harris Fellow, for all the help Erika has given to the Rotary Club of Mosman during the past years. Erika as often given to the Club beautiful paintings that were used in the different fund raising that […]

Past President Di McKenzie-Rabu is pleased to give our club an update on HMEF In 2022 Harding Miller Education Foundation has supported our biggest group of students with over 500 scholarship recipients on the program. The above map shows where our scholarship recipients are located in every state and territory. […]

Our guest speakers last Monday 30 February were Vikram Chowdhary, Head of Fundraising & Marketing with Clown Doctors, and Tricia Fortier who received an OAM for over 20 years of volunteer work with Scouts and The Humour Foundation. Vikram Chowdhary, Tricia Fortier Thanked by Rotarian Surinder Jain Their joint presentation […]

Dear Members, Our club, through Marc Alderson, member of the Rotary Club of Mosman, participated to the Mosman Community Connections Roundtable. We have received the following from Mosman Council Mosman Community Connections Roundtable Report Thriving. Inclusive. Connected. Late last year we held our inaugural Community Connections event – a Roundtable […]

A tremendous result this year given a slow start to sales – a huge THANK YOU to Brian Owles for championing our annual raffle, with all proceeds once again going to Bear Cottage. Pictured here at the last Ticket Sellers Changeover are Treasurer Dave Jackson and member Sarah Harding handing […]

Dear members, I want to thank all that braved the cold & the wind to celebrate our Mosman Rotary Christmas party at the Mackie Lane Community Garden. It was a great success! A special thank you to Di & Dom for all their hard work behind the scenes (as always) […]

President Mark gave a big THANK YOU to Leana and her team at The Upper Duck for their tremendous service to our members during our lunch meetings in 2022. President Mark also passed on our club’s Thanks to Brendan Barry and the Hotel Mosman Team for their continued support, and […]

Click Here for the full news District News DISTRICT 9685 AND BEYOND NEWS 1. District Conference 17th to 19th March 2023 Reminder: Early Bird fees end on 31.12.22. It is going to be a great Conference so REGISTER NOW. More on the Wine Tours at Antonios’ Wines. If you would like to do one […]

Our Rotary Team was present at the Mosman Twilight Markets, both to sell our well known Jigsaw Puzzle and our Annual Christmas Raffle tickets which, this year is in favour of Bear Cottage, Children Hospice in Manly. Pictured here is The Honorable MP Felicity Wilson with family and friends.  

Rotary International-Toastmasters Alliance A Rotarians, you joined Rotary to make a difference and connect with others in your communities. To help you achieve your personal and professional goals, Rotary International and Toastmasters International have formed an alliance to provide opportunities to grow your networks, your leadership and communication skills, and […]

MARY’S HOUSE HAMPER DELIVERY FOR CHRISTMAS 2022 Past President Derek and Past President Di enjoyed working together on providing five hampers to Mary’s House for Christmas. Hampers were specifically prepared for distribution to two Single Ladies, three Single Mum’s with children ranging in age from 2 – 10 yrs of […]

Here is a snapshot from Books In Home Term 4 Primary Program Book Giving Assemblies, which have just started around the nation. Assemblies are held outdoors and indoors, in large schools and small schools, formally or informally, in urban, regional and outback schools… all connected to the Books in Homes […]

Our club was very pleased to see Angelo’s familiar face again last Monday 28 November as he recapped the history of Timor and its regions, and most specifically to give us his update on the RYLA – Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Program and his involvement in East Timor. The profound […]

G’day mates Do you guys still remember me? I am Hiro from Japan. I was in Mosman about 5 years ago. I tell you a little about my life I am in Year 2 at University and especially learning the Management organisation theory but as I am in the “Japan […]

Or should I say Ross and Therese have, as usual, represented the club in many events: Mosman Markets The Annual Hodge Family Event at Balmoral Hunter Valley Uncorked Balmoral Food & Wine Festival Congratulation to Ross and Therese Not forgetting  members who were there with them

Our Christmas party will be held at the Mackie Lane Community Garden.   Date : Friday 16th December Time : 6pm  (6pm to have has much daylight as we can)   It will be decided rapidly if we buy Chickens and Salads from Charlie’s Chicken or if we ask all […]

Our past member Bill (William Downing) Walker has passed away on Sunday 11th November Dr. William Walker MBBS FRCSE FRACS OAM The Amazing Bill Walker – 93 years young! Bill was a Rotarian for almost 30 years, first in Newcastle and then in Mosman.  He is a retired plastic surgeon who […]

At last weeks board meeting the club approved a budget of up to $1000 to provide hampers for clients of Mary’s House Services. The hampers will contain Xmas food and treats as well as wrapped gifts appropriate to allocated 5 families: Mum with male 10 years Single lady Mum with […]

You will have seen from last week’s Oozoo that plans for our traditional Christmas Raffle are well under way.  Prizes have been finalised and sales locations have been agreed with the respective organisations and printing of Raffle tickets and Posters is going ahead. :So here are the dates that are […]

Bronwen Simmons | Manager Community Relations | Bear Cottage Good morning, Thank you so much for joining us at our recent “Friends of Bear Cottage” thank you evening. The support and generosity that you have shown Bear Cottage over many years is so very much appreciated, and it was wonderful to be able to […]

Mary’s House Services is driven and funded by the community to provide best-practice services to keep women and children safe from domestic violence and to provide the tools of empowerment to enable victim-survivors to rebuild their lives; and further, to advocate that we don’t accept domestic abuse Last year our […]

Dear Members If you would like to join us at Hotel Mosman for the Melbourne Cup, please advise me asap. President Mark will book a table. You will pay for your meal at Hotel Mosman, on the day, when you place your meal order. Dom Rabu

The next Online Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) course is scheduled for 4/5/6 November via Zoom. Join in from home! Only $30! Great value! The course is conducted by RLI facilitators and consists of 3 parts: Day 1 – Friday 4 November – 6-7pm Day 2 – Saturday 5 November 8am- 4pm […]

Malte Alberts – our exchange student from Germany in 2009-2010 has joined the Rotary club of Strasberg near Berlin and will be working in Youth Exchange Only the second student we hosted to join Rotary The first one to have joined Rotary was Bruno Massote from Brazil

All funds will be used to support ongoing visits to Vietnam by Dr Peter Scougalland colleagues from the Hand Surgery Unit of Sydney Hospital.During the visits they conduct a series of workshops to teach the intricacies of hand surgery to local surgeons    Louise Johnson        Janet Webb Janet Webb Janet […]