Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot Receives Financial Support from Rotary International Board

The Regionalisation Pilot Project Team Co-chairs Ingrid Waugh (NZ/Oceania) and Peter Frueh (Australia) have issued the following update:

Following our all member communication on 14 March, the Regionalisation Core Team
submitted the business case to the Rotary International Board on 11 April 2023, seeking financial commitment to commence the pilot.

We are pleased to advise that the RI Board received the regional pilot proposal for Zone 8 and approved funding subject to annual review.

Following the Council on Legislation vote and club endorsement in 2022, this was the final step needed for approval for the pilot to proceed to the establishment then implementation phase.

We would like to thank the many volunteer Rotarians and Rotaractors who have willingly given so much of their time over the last four years to get us successfully to this point.  Also, a big thank you to the Rotary International staff in Sydney and Evanston who have given invaluable input and support. You have given us all the opportunity to craft a stronger future for Rotary in our Zone.

You will receive further information on next steps in May. If you would like to receive ongoing updates, subscribe here. You can have your say by visiting or emailing us directly at

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Monday’s Speakers: Rob Sturrock Re Anzac Day - Women and Children Left Behind Plus the National Youth Science Forum

Wed Apr 19 , 2023
PP Rob Sturrock will be giving a short Anzac orientated talk on Women and Children left behind when their menfolk went off to war in 1914-18. Anica Wong + Bethany Walker on the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) Anica and Bethany are from Queenwood School for Girls.  Our club sponsored […]