What’s Next for the Regionalisation Pilot

Dear Club Presidents and Secretaries,

Following financial approval from the Rotary International Board, the Regionalisation Pilot Establishment teams are now heading full speed towards pilot establishment.  You can now read the Executive Summary that was provided to the RI Board as part of the business case.

As a club president or secretary, you will receive monthly emails along with the members of the Pilot Reference Group who have opted in to receive updates and information. You will have opportunities to provide feedback on behalf of your members as we establish and test new processes throughout the pilot. You can therefore share information you receive through these emails with your members.

What are we trying to achieve through the Regionalisation Pilot?

The aim of the Regionalisation Pilot is to develop a new regional governance structure to transform Rotary and Rotaract in Zone 8, helping clubs strengthen and grow with more intensive and specialised support that addresses their unique needs. We anticipate the direct benefits to clubs will include:

  • A stronger, unified Rotary image and brand
  • Greater opportunities for collaboration and partnerships
  • Greater efficiency, reduced duplication and reduced costs
  • Greater capacity for clubs to adapt to meet the specific needs, circumstances and cultural aspects of their geographic area
  • More direct access to the best resources from across Zone 8 to support clubs to achieve their goals

Over 100 Rotarians and Rotaractors from across Zone 8 are currently working in Pilot Establishment Teams (PETs) focused on the following areas:

  • Service and Strategy: strategic growth, reach and impact, strategic programs, and the transfer of functions from Districts to the Regional Council
  • Corporate and Administration: Regional Council elections, Rotary Specialist Networks, community groups, legal entities, and structures and financials
  • Public Image and Partnerships
  • Membership
  • Communications and IT
  • The Rotary Foundation
  • Learning and Development and Events
  • Pilot Communications
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Where are we currently at?

It is now time to start sharing and testing our work with clubs and members.

As we trial, test and evaluate models and processes throughout the pilot, we anticipate tweaks will be needed to better support clubs. For this reason, we have set up an independent Monitoring and Evaluation Team to work in conjunction with PETs.
The working model currently has three main pillars:

  • A central Regional Council that will have functions progressively transferred to it that will look after Zone governance. This will be a group of Rotarians and Rotaractors elected to two year roles by their fellow members.
  • Community Leaders, elected Rotarians or Rotaractors, who will work with a group of clubs.  This role will encourage collaboration between clubs and beyond, and support clubs to strengthen and grow.
  • Specialist Networks focused directly on supporting clubs and their initiatives. This includes our valuable Rotary International staff and coordinator group.

Look out for more information coming on these roles, and how you can get involved. Consultation is integral to the pilot process. There will be ongoing opportunities for clubs and members to give input, in addition to Governor engagement, which has been intensive over the last 6 months.

We hope this provides insight into the work that has been happening over the last few months. You can continue having your say by visiting creatingtomorrowrotary.org or emailing us directly atrotaryregionalpilot@gmail.com


Ingrid Waugh, Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot Steering Group Chair

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Domestic Violence Awareness Month - Invitation to Sponsor an Escape Bag

Tue May 16 , 2023
We have received the below notice: As you may be aware, May is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and the theme for this year is ‘It’s in our control, to end coercive control’. This year’s theme really drives home the message that to achieve real and lasting positive cultural change, all levels […]