Veterans’ Stories, occurring next week at the Landship Gallery, Middle Head, Mosman.

On behalf of the Headland Preservation Group (HPG) the Mosman Art Gallery is delighted to invite our members and friends to a special exhibition, Veterans’ Stories, occurring next week at the Landship Gallery, Middle Head, Mosman.

Exhibition Dates

Tuesday 25 April, ANZAC Day following the Dawn Service

Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 April, 10am – 3pm


Landship Gallery (adjacent to Frenchy’s Café in the Georges Heights Artist Precinct)

The Project

Last weekend Headland Preservation Group ran a successful art workshop titled Open Studio – Veterans’ Stories. The workshop was the initiative of HPG and was brought to fruition via the funds raised at the HPG 25th Anniversary Dinner held in November 2022. The project was fortunate to have the professional input of renowned artist Richard Lewer. HPG is delighted to report that all participants seemed to find the workshop a very positive experience (albeit occasionally emotional, as they re-lived some of their more difficult days in the service of our country).

HPG would like to invite you to view the art exhibition at the Landship Gallery, Middle Head on ANZAC DAY Tuesday 25th April 2023 following the Dawn Service, and on the weekend of 29/30 April 2023, 10am-3pm each day. The HPG thank those community donors who contributed to this very worthwhile project.

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A short history of the Mosman Jigsaw Project

Sun Apr 23 , 2023
Our major fundraiser for the last 2 years has been the design, production and sale of a jigsaw featuring Mosman.   The idea of a double sided jigsaw was the inspiration of PP Mark Alderson. After some discussion the then President, Richard Vahtrick gathered together a committee of new members […]