Vale Dr. William Walker

Our past member Bill (William Downing) Walker has passed away on Sunday 11th November

Dr. William Walker
The Amazing Bill Walker – 93 years young!

Bill was a Rotarian for almost 30 years, first in Newcastle and then in Mosman.  He is a retired plastic surgeon who has operated for free in many places overseas with Interplast.  Later he founded a program to bring children from overseas who couldn’t get surgery in their home countries.  It was called ROMAC (Rotary Overseas Medical Aid for Children) later changing it to Oceania instead of Overseas.

Patients were referred by Rotarians and medical staff.   Bill was on the District ROMAC board for many years.

After retirement from surgery, he discovered Masters’ swimming.  For years he swam for about an hour, 5 to 7 days a week, at Balmoral and Mosman Swim Centre.

Bill won dozens of international gold medals and smashed several Australian records.

He had a bad fall last year and had never really recovered and recently went into BUPA aged care.

Sadly, he died peacefully on Sunday

Thanks to Clare to have made us aware of Bill’s passing

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Our Club's Christmas Party

Sun Nov 13 , 2022
Our Christmas party will be held at the Mackie Lane Community Garden.   Date : Friday 16th December Time : 6pm  (6pm to have has much daylight as we can)   It will be decided rapidly if we buy Chickens and Salads from Charlie’s Chicken or if we ask all […]