By Past President Di
From Cara Varian
Managing Director HMEF
As we approach the end of the school year, we want to thank you all for your wonderful support of the Foundation. In 2022 we have supported our biggest group of students with over 500 scholarship recipients on the program.
The above map shows where our scholarship recipients are located in every state and territory. On the program this year, 40% of students are from non-English speaking backgrounds, 16% identify as First Nations Australians, 10% have experienced out-of-home care, 9% have experienced domestic violence, 6% have a disability and 5% have told us they experience mental health concerns.

We would not be able to support these girls without you
Our Year 12 scholars have just finished high school and preparing for their next big adventure. They have all worked extremely hard and we are looking forward to hearing about their results and success over the coming months. Your support of the Foundation is changing these girls’ lives and giving them a bright future.

Applications for Scholarships commencing in 2023
Our 2023 selection process has recently been finalised. We have been extremely busy over the past couple of months assessing and judging all the scholarship applications. We received over 700 applications from 280+ schools across every state and territory in Australia.

We are excited to announce that we will be awarding 199 new scholarships in 2023, which includes 40 students who will receive a brand new type of scholarship. The new Gold Scholarships are additional scholarships beyond our current model and have been introduced to ensure that an extra 40 extremely talented and dedicated students who would have otherwise missed out will receive a scholarship. In Years 9 and 10, the gold scholarship recipients will have access to all of the tools and resources of the scholarship with the exception of tutoring but they will get access to tutoring in the important senior years of high school.

Thank you to all our judges and volunteers who have supported us with the selection process over the past couple of months. The successful girls have just been advised and we look forward to providing our donors with updated information about our scholars in February.

Cara Varian

Many thanks to the continued support for HMEF from our Board
Past President Di

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Sat Dec 10 , 2022
Our Rotary Team was present at the Mosman Twilight Markets, both to sell our well known Jigsaw Puzzle and our Annual Christmas Raffle tickets which, this year is in favour of Bear Cottage, Children Hospice in Manly. Pictured here is The Honorable MP Felicity Wilson with family and friends.