Our guest speakers last Monday 30 February were Vikram Chowdhary, Head of Fundraising & Marketing with Clown Doctors, and Tricia Fortier who received an OAM for over 20 years of volunteer work with Scouts and The Humour Foundation.
Vikram Chowdhary, Tricia Fortier Thanked by Rotarian Surinder Jain
Their joint presentation gave us an excellent overview of the work carried out by both Clown Doctors and The Humour Foundation, reinforcing the need to engage at all levels and with all generations – “Laughter is the best medicine!”
We spread ‘doses’ of fun and laughter to people in need across Australia, improving the quality of life for people in hospitals, health and aged care facilities. International research has demonstrated the physiological and psychological benefits of laughter to health and well-being, and this underpins our evidence based practice. “Plenty of studies have shown that laughter can combat many common ills. For instance, research suggests that humour may lower blood pressure and release endorphins. Laughter is also proven to improve circulation, stimulate the nervous system, heighten the immune system and make the heart stronger.” The late Dr Peter Spitzer, Medical Director & Co-founder, The Humour Foundation.
A recent study conducted by Social Ventures Australia shows that for every $1 invested into our Clown Doctors program in clinical spaces, there’s a $9.90 social return to the community.