Summary of Forum 18 October 2022
Recent Events
Musical Soiree – a great success and thanks were issued to all involved with organisation and volunteers for the evening. Funds raised approx. $3,000.
Balmoral Uncorked – another excellent PR event for the Club and again thanks to all those who manned the stall on the day.
Meeting venue.
Members had expressed concern about the conditions for meeting currently available at the Hotel Mosman.
Other venues had been assessed with no real alternative available in the area. Hotel Mosman had indicated that conditions for Lunch on a Monday would be better because we could have the whole of the Upper Duck Room for the meeting.
After discussion it was agreed that the Upper Duck was a good venue and the management was very generous with service etc, and it would be appropriate for the meeting date to be moved to Mondays, for a trial period commencing 7th November.
Projects and RAWCS accounts
The activities of the Club had been restricted over the Covid period in the last 2 years. It was agreed that members needed to be encouraged to assist to regenerate the Club’s involvement in Service Projects.
Blair Leslie gave a short summary of the RAWCS accounts that the Club had generated and which were still open:
- Vietnam hand surgery – Dr Scougall – longterm project Balance $11,355
- Bushfire Project – Garden renovations in Kempsie area – Balance $20,000
This project has been delayed by the Covid but will be finalised in the next few months with assistance from Kempsie area Rotary Clubs
- Timor Leste – School Building is a planned project that is in the process of being reinstated by Richard Vahtrick
It was agreed that an update of projects, active and proposed, needed to be given regularly at a Club Forum meeting.
Christmas Raffle
BBO reported that recipient would be Bear Cottage and prizes had been finalised:
- Picture from Ken Done; Voucher from Pasture Restaurant; Voucher from Mosman Newsagency; Hamper from 4th Village; gift from Bear cottage; Jigsaw
- Selling sites in first 2 weeks in December being finalised
Further update will be provided in the near future.
Next week speaker – Kelly McDonald – A day in the life of a Gallery Director
Brian Owles