After Mosman Market Day on Saturday 2nd September and the Soiree on the 15th, we have a very busy Club schedule coming up in October:
Sat 7th: Mosman Market
Sun 8th: BUNNINGS Artarmon Sausage Sizzle (7:00am – 4:00pm)
Fri 20th: MOSMAN FESTIVAL Opening – BBQ Sausage Sizzle
Sun 22nd: Hunter Valley Wines, Uncorked Balmoral. Our submitted application for PASTRIES and Soft Drink Stall has gone through. Full Club support will be required.
(Closer to the October event we need to set up purchase of pastries and review our soft drink stock status etc).
Thurs 26th: Evening October Fest (Gazebo presence – No BBQ)
Sun 29th: Pets Day Out (Last day of Festival). BBQ Sausage Sizzle.
(Should be the last BBQ prior to January & Aust Day)