Success at Balmoral for our Club’s Australia Say BBQ

Well, what a day we’ve had.
Firstly, I wish to thank those members who gave their time today to help out at todays Australia Day BBQ at Balmoral. I was humbled by the commitment by these members (& even members relatives….. in particular, Jocelyn Pollard, who jumped in to help serve, which was really helpful at a time we needed so a huge thank you to Jocelyn).
Special thanks also to Dave J who hired the van, helped me to get the things from our store at Kennards, came early to drop off (5.30am) those things & helped for a few hours then came back so we could take the things back to the store & drop the hired van back.
Ward & Graeme, a huge shoutout as they both came down early around 6.30am & stayed for the duration, cooking & helping with organising, a huge effort for which we should all be very grateful! Barry as always was front & centre, arriving with all the things supplied by NADC that he picked up from District. Also thanks to our new exchange student, Marco & Barry’s friend from his church for their help. I think they enjoyed themselves seeing so many people & seeing Sydney at it’s best.
Thank you to Ross & Therese for their help & for supplying car parking for those members who came down as parking was impossible after about 7.00am. Blair, kindly picked up the sausages & onions from Manly Freezers  yesterday, refrigerated them o/nite & bought them down to us at 6.45am. Thanks also to Halyna, Sarah, James & Martin for as always helping out, great commitment for which we should all be very grateful. We sold out by 1.00pm hence why next year we could do better as we could be there till about 3.00pm/4.00pm & double our sales from this year.
It would have been even more beneficial if we had a bit more support from more members as these members that helped out today gave up many hours of their time & it would have been a lot better should they have not had to stay around for 5/6 hours but we sadly only had about 25% of our members (11 in total I believe) helping today which just made it harder & meant that it was just too long a day to those that came along.
Thanks also to Tania Mace, President, Lane Cove Rotary who was the mainstay organiser of this day for us & a couple of other clubs, which, without Tania’s persistance today, wouldn’t have come to fruition without her organisation behind the scenes.
We are yet to confirm the financials but it looks like we netted around $3,000.00, a fabulous outcome but next year I propose we start early as we did this year (assuming the weather is as good as it was today) but we order even more food next year ie at least 1,000 rolls, 12kg sausages & 10kg onions & we could double our income/result meaning an income of around $6,000 – $7,000.
Lastly thank you to Bakers Delight, Mosman (Kahl, owner & Raquel business manager) for providing the bread rolls to us at wholesale prices, so we enjoy a great relationship with this fabulous local small business.
I trust I haven’t left anyone out!?


Mark Wallis President

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A Quick Tour of Sydney for Marco our new exchange student

Sat Jan 28 , 2023
A Quick Tour of Sydney for Marco On Saturday Marco went with Derek and his great Nephew and Niece, Jack and Eve for a walk from Bondi to Clovelly. On the way he experienced: How to find Lane Cove Bus Interchange How to use a bus to get into the […]