Speaker – Emeritus Professor Don Napper – 22nd March 2022

Emeritus Professor Don Napper was educated in molecular chemistry at Sydney and Cambridge Universities. He retired from Sydney University in 2003 as the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences & Technology), where he is now Professor Emeritus.  His association with the University has lasted over thirty years, excluding his time there as a student. Over the years, Don has developed an internationally recognized expertise in polymer colloids and the polymerization processes.  He has co-authored over 180 scientific articles in the field and is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (FAA) and the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI)  Don has been a guide for the Harbour Trust and gives regular talks to Probus & Rotary Clubs, historical societies and U3A (University of the Third Age).

Professor Napper will be speaking to the club on the Role of CO2 in Global Warming.

Have you ever wondered why mere trace amounts of the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, can capture solar energy and cause long-term climate change whereas the much more prevalent atmospheric molecules, nitrogen and oxygen that we breathe, cannot?  We are all familiar with molecules capturing energy from radiation waves in a microwave oven, but greenhouse gases operate in an entirely different manner and Don will explain how this happens.

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Rotary District 9685 eNews March 17th 2022

Thu Mar 17 , 2022
Click here to read the District 9685 eNews March 17th 2022   Click here to read the District 9685 eNews March 17th 2022 DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE (District 9685 Governor 2021-2022 Lindsay May OAM)   I’m pleased to announce D9685 has been granted a Rotary Foundation Disaster Response Grant of US$25,000 (AU$34,500) to […]
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