Until March 2009 Halyna Koscharsky was Senior Lecturer and Head of the Ukrainian Studies program in European Languages and Cultures at Macquarie University. She was also responsible for the teaching of EUL 202 The European Union and an Honours unit. She was a team-teacher in Societies of Europe and previously Director of the Bachelor of International Studies program. From 1999 she worked on half-time secondment to the Vice-Chancellor’s Office on reviews of Divisions and Centres. Research interests include the feminist theoretical approach to Ukrainian contemporary literature and analysis of current Ukrainian vocabulary in regions of Ukraine and in the diaspora. She is now an Honorary Associate within the Department of International Studies at Macquarie University.

Her academic qualifications include a BA DipEd (Monash) with majors in English and Philosophy, an MA in Linguistics (Macquarie) and a PhD in Ukrainian literature (Macquarie).
Halyna is a member of the Mosman Rotary Club.