Mondays Meeting – Site Report on Hera Pre-School from PP Ward

PP Ward has returned from a brief visit to East Timor to visit the Timor RYPEN week. He has taken advantage of the visit to go to Hera for discussions with the village re the proposed pre-school. He reports that the discussion has been excellent. He is in the process of agreeing minor design changes to ensure that the project meets budget without compromising the purpose of the pre-school. Any changes would include efforts to ensure that safety and health aspects are adequate.

Full details from PP Ward on Monday.


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Thu Sep 14 , 2023
The Foreshore Walk and Bicentenary Trail was a project of our club at the time of the bicentenary. It was designed to give disabled access to what then was a rough patch of foreshore land. The level path ran from the parking area next to the boat shed to the […]