After 2 years in office President Mark Wallis is handing over the reigns to incoming President James Humphery. To mark the change in leadership of our club we will be holding a dinner to which all members partners and friends as well as friends of the club are invited.
James is currently overseas and as a result the dinner has been postponed to Friday 28th July. It will take place at NorthBridge Golf Club at 6.30pm for 7.00pm at a cost of $90pp payable to Mosman Rotary 633000-142267483.
If you wish to sit at the same table as other members or guests could you please advise by email to the treasurer of the club, Derek Andrew (

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Banners From Our Past - The Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale

Fri Jul 7 , 2023
Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary was founded on 29th January 1981 to provide an opportunity for business and professionals to meet together within the worldwide Rotary organisation for the purpose of service to the disadvantaged local and international communities. The name Chesterfield Scarsdale was created to differentiate the club from our founding […]