President Review and Thanks – Rotary Club of Mosman Musical Soiree

Dear Members and Friends, what an exceptional night, and I will use exceptional several times in my review.

Before writing about the event, I would like to thank the great team that allowed this event to happen. The team was led by Di McKenzie Rabu, the idea was put to us by Barry Starr who also made the choice of artists was part of the team with Halyna Koscharsky, Derek Andrew, Ruth Thompson, Shirley Beaumont Owles, Dominique Rabu. Thanks to all.

All canapes of superb restaurant quality were prepared in house by the ladies of the team joined in this by Vera Robinson and Lilian Andrew.

On the night the bar was tended by RSA Shirley Beaumont Owles and RSA James Humphery assisted by Brian Beaumont Owles. Our IT / Photo team was Graeme Robinson and Dominique Rabu.

I cannot thank all of you enough for the success of the evening.

After some welcome drinks I had the task of presenting the evening. Blair Leslie introduced Dr Peter Scougall, Surgeon and now head of the hand team.

For over 25 years our club has been sponsoring the work of teams of hand surgeons and associated medical practitioners in Vietnam and Myanmar. The late Prof Conolly and his successor now Dr Peter Scougall have been holding clinical and training sessions once or twice a year as well as donating appropriate equipment to local surgeons.
October 2017 saw over 70 Vietnamese surgeons participating in the latest course.

A PowerPoint presentation was shown to us by Dr Scougall to present the great work done by his team. All proceeds of the evening will be given to Dr Scougall to help him in this extraordinary task.

The Artists, Louise Johnson – Harpist, Janet Webb – Flautist and Nathaniel Kong – Pianist were exceptional and played for us for close to two hours, and I cannot use another word again: exceptional.

Their performance was enhanced by the sound quality of the venue. The acoustics of the old church, now the Mosman Art Gallery, were found by the artists as exceptional.

At the end of the events a Lucky Door Prize was drawn. Thanks to Erika Beck for having given this beautiful painting for this event.

Many who were present have expressed the fact that such a Musical Soiree must be repeated and made an annual event. We will work towards this. So see you next year and thanks to all.

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Mon Oct 17 , 2022
Soirée Musical October 2022