President Marks Comments re District Conference

The district (9685) Conference was held in Cowra. Thanks to Barry & Marco for joining me for this fabulous event. Dom & Di were due to come along but obviously with Dom’s health they were unable to attend.

It really was a brilliant, well run event with some wonderful speakers. Cowra certainly is a town worth visiting in my opinion. There were two highlights for mine; The presentation of the Rotary District Vocational Excellence award presented to our very own local Professor Mary-Louise McLaws. The Professor is in poor health but made the supreme effort to attend the conference & receive her award which we sincerely thank her for. She was accompanied by her daughter & son-in-law. The second was the Sunday morning breakfast & gathering at the Japanese Gardens, absolutely stunning grounds & as I said well worth visiting. We also had a the honour of a presentation by the Japanese ambassador to Australia, His Excellency, Shingo Yamagami (accompanied by his wife) who made the most amazing speech.

Also special thanks to Cowra Rotary for the effort they made to look after us at all times & fed us with outstanding meals etc. Congratulations to District Governor, Mina Howard & all the organising team on a fabulously run & exciting event. It really was an outstanding conference. I really hope we can get more members to attend next years conference which will be held in Terrigal by incoming District Governor, Christine Owen. Registration is open now at

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Reminder - No meeting on Monday 10th April due to Public Holiday

Sat Apr 8 , 2023
There will not be a meeting on Monday 10th April due to Public Holiday. Our next meeting will be on Monday 17th April when we will have a presentation on the 11th Commonwealth Youth Parliament which took place in Trinidad and Tobago in November 2022