Postponed Changeover Dinner to take place on 28th July

Our club’s changeover dinner is the opportunity for members to acknowledge the hard work done by President Mark and his board over the year as well as welcoming PE James as our new President for the 2023-24 Rotary year. With PE James already committed to an extensive overseas trip the dinner is to be held later than usual on Friday 28th July.

Pleased make every effort to attend and feel free to bring your friends so they can experience a great evening of Rotary Fellowship. Details of the event are:

The Changeover Dinner 2023.

Date:      Friday 2nd June

Venue:   Northbridge Golf Club 

(296 Sailors Bay Rd., Northbridge)

Time:     6:30pm for 7:00pm

Cost:     $90 per person

Payment to: Monday meeting desk or the Club’s General Account (633000 – 142267483)

It would be appreciated if you could book asap. If for any reason you are unable to attend could you please let the secretary ( know asap

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District Grant Application for 2023-24

Fri Jun 23 , 2023
Our club’s practice has always been to support the Rotary Foundation as much as possible and then to seek support from the Foundation for both International and Local projects. Over the years we have received significant Foundation grants. For 2023-24 the board has decided to make financial support available to […]