Pocket Pals for Earthquake Victims

From Past President Derek Andrew

Pocket Pals.
In the DG’s Newsletter There was a brief mention of a small project being run by the Rotary Club of Springwood – making and distributing small woolen dolls or “Pocket Pals”. We have obtained the pattern from Springwood Rotary and adapted it for both knitting and crochet. It’s fairly simple process making a knitted/crocheted square, then forming a tube, stitching to delineate arms/legs and adding eyes etc. Lilian Andrew has already made several samples and will be looking into forming a group to make more. If a group eventuates we will advise but in the meantime if anyone wants to go ahead on their own, patterns are available from Derek.
When we have a reasonable number we will send them on to Springwood Rotary for donation to Turkey/Syria.

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Professor McLaws award at the District Conference Cowra 2023

Sat Mar 18 , 2023
Professor McLaws has received an award at the District Conference Cowra March 2023 Today Saturday 18 March 2023 and the conference is warming up