Oliver Greeves

Our Club had a great speaker on the 20th February

Oliver Greeves

Historical Author & Speaker

Oliver Greeves with acting president Richard Vahtrick

Oliver attacks the myth-making behind one of history’s greatest legends, offering a fresh insight into the lives of British naval hero Horatio Nelson, his devoted wife Fanny and her son Josiah.
It is a thrilling series of sacrifice, betrayal, battles and survival.
A new era is dawning … but first we must defeat the French.

A direct descendant of Frances (Fanny), Viscountess Nelson and her son, Josiah Nisbet, Oliver Greeves spent many years working on Wall Street and now lives near his beloved Sydney Harbour in Sydney, Australia. When not writing, he spends his time sailing and advising executive business leaders and the next generation.

Long fascinated by Fanny’s life and times, he has travelled extensively researching her story and the turbulent times of the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic War. He has now embarked on recreating stories of the era based on historical fact, while using fiction to explore the psyche and characters behind the myths.

A keen historian, Oliver believes in the importance of truth-telling in historical fiction. He has a PhD in history from Bristol University in the United Kingdom and studied creative writing at the New School in Greenwich Village New York.


He lived in New York for many years, working for Wall Street financial institutions at senior levels and was a founding partner of Pharos Institute, a leadership and executive coaching company. His understanding of institutions and the psychological perspective of those leading them infuses his novels with an added layer of realistic insights.

If  you would like to attend the launch of my new book Nelson’s Lost Son on March 22– here is the link to the invitation on my website. Judging by the people who have said yes so far, it’s sure to be an entertaining evening and chance to meet others interested in history, heroes, reading – and quality craft beer!


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Bear Cottage - Presentation of cheque

Sat Mar 4 , 2023
Monday 27th February  Shirley Owles, Di McKenzie-Rabu, Brian Owles and Dominique Rabu presented a cheque for $12.000, to Bear Cottage, result of the Christmas Raffle and a contribution from our club funds. We had the great privilege to visit this great institution. Bear Cottage is the only children’s hospice in […]