Our President Mark Wallis as had the pleasure of naming Erika Beck, Paul Harris Fellow, for all the help Erika has given to the Rotary Club of Mosman during the past years. Erika as often given to the Club beautiful paintings that were used in the different fund raising that the club as had.
Erika remains engaged with the Art World continuing giving classes and pursuing her painting.
Congratulation Erika.
Erika Beck and President Mark Wallis
During the ceremony, a citation of Erika’s life and work was read.
Erika was born in Zagreb Croatia just before the start of World War II. Erika recalls the bombs raining down on the buildings in Zagreb and the difficulties of survival in post war Europe.
Erika made her way across Europe after the war to France and worked her way to Nice for a while before migrating to Australia.
In 1960 Erika migrated by ship to Australia, arriving in Melbourne.
That same year, Dieter also arrived in Australia by another ship, though it was to be three years before they met and married.
Erika worked as an artist and as a photographic re-toucher, adding colour to black and white photos. Erika’s talent as an artist and an art tutor has been apparent to all for many years, Erika has won many prestigious art awards and exhibited in Australia and Europe. Erika has tutored at the Ku-ring-gai Arts Society, Mosman Art groups, the Royal Arts Society NSW, exhibiting at the Tienny Lee Gallery, The Mosman Art Gallery, and many others.
Erika’s works have been shown over many years in numerous solo and selected group exhibitions winning commendations and prizes. Erika’s inspiration has always been the Australian landscape, rugged, sparse, sundrenched, seasoned by drought and fire. It invites and challenges the artist, having captured the images from Cape Tribulation to Kangaroo Island and from The Kimberley to Central Australia. Erika’s painting ‘The Dreaming’ has been selected as a finalist for the 2017 Mosman Art Prize and the painting ‘Carrington Falls VI’ was awarded the 2018 Medal of Distinction by The Royal Art Society of NSW.
Erika has donated several paintings to The Rotary Club of Mosman for our Christmas raffles, the Soiree, and other functions over the years, facilitating the raising and donation of many thousands of dollars.
Erika has travelled with Dieter to many Rotary Club of Mosman’s aid projects and functions and supported him over many years of Apex and Rotary service.
Erika is an outstanding member of the community, and the Club is very proud to name Erika a Paul Harris Fellow.