Monday’s Speaker – Dr Peter Abelson – The Sydney Housing Crisis

Dr Peter Abelson is well known to our Club as a past speaker and in particular as a past Mayor of Mosman.

Peter has a B.A. from Oxford University, M.Sc. (Economics) from the London School of Economics, and a Ph.D from London University.  He has over 40 years of consulting experience in Australia and overseas, specializing in public economics and cost-benefit analysis.  He runs regular cost-benefit analysis training courses for public servants.  His recent work in Australia includes reviews of major transport projects, evaluation of public health programs and hospitals, education and justice programs, planning for the environment, and analyses of housing prices and policies. 

Peter has worked for international agencies in many countries including China, India, Thailand, Kenya, Nigeria, Egypt, Zambia, Bolivia, and Papua New Guinea.  From 2001 to 2005, Peter held a Personal Chair in Economics at Macquarie University.  From 2006 to 2012, Peter was a Visiting Scholar and taught public finance at the University of Sydney.  Peter is the author of ‘Public Economics’, the leading Australian text in public finance and the role of government in the economy.

 Since 2006, Peter has been an ongoing part-time economic advisor to the NSW Treasury.

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Tribute in Norfolk Island

Tue Nov 28 , 2023
Past DG Mina Howard has recently returned from a trip to Norfolk and took the attached photo during her visit, understanding the interest it would have for Mosman Rotary Club members. “33 years ago, on 19th March 1990, then Mosman Mayor, B.S.J. O’Keefe AM, QC, along with D.E. Buffett AM, […]