Immediate Call for 2022 Council on Resolutions Proposals Due 26 June 2022

To all Members of D9685,
Proposed Resolutions for the 2022 Council on Resolutions will need to be in by Sunday night 26 June to meet the 30 June Deadline.
As you may know, I am the District Council on Resolutions and Council on Legislation Representative.  My task is to call for Resolutions and Legislation from Clubs and then have it endorsed and submitted to RI, and then vote on your behalf at the Councils.
First up, please let me apologise for sending this email late – it should have gone out in mid-May to allow you reasonable time to consider whether you wished to submit a Resolution to the RI Board, but with post Council on Legislation paperwork, heading to Houston for the RI Convention, and a bunch of other things, I missed sending the call out to you.  There is still time should you wish to submit a Resolution in the truncated timeframe.
The Council on Resolutions meets online every year to vote on proposed resolutions from districts and clubs.
Resolutions are requests to the Board or the Trustees to take an action that is outside the purview of the constitutional documents. Ideally, a resolution should affect the Rotary world, rather than address local or administrative issues. Representatives from all Rotary districts vote on items proposed by clubs, districts, the RI Board, and the general council or conference of RIBI. Adopted resolutions are then considered by the RI Board or The Rotary Foundation Trustees.
As well as being on matters of importance to the Rotary world, Resolutions should avoid recommending that the RI Board or Trustees do things that are already being done or are generally defective iaw the bylaws:
8.070.2. Defective Resolutions. A resolution is defective if it:
  1. (a)  would request an action, or express an opinion, in conflict with the letter or spirit of the constitutional documents;
  2. (b)  would request an action that involves administrative or management matters within the discretion of the board or TRF trustees;
  3. (c)  would request an action which has already been implemented by the board or TRF trustees; or
  4. (d)  is not within the framework of RI’s program.
The attachment has information around framing Resolutions and members should contact me directly to discuss any Resolutions they wish to submit.  If they are to me by Sunday night 26 June we have a short turnaround to put them before clubs for endorsement.
I again apologise for overlooking the date to send this email out in mid-May.  The next opportunity is mid-May 2023.
PDG Ian Scott
The Rotary Club of Central Blue Mountains
RI Council on Resolutions Representative 2020-2023
Past District Governor 2014-2015
Rotary District 9685

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Guest Speaker, Cmdr Ramon (Ray) Rees RAN ret

Thu Jun 23 , 2022
Commander Ramon (Ray) Rees RAN ret.  Ray is a published author, ‘Once a Sailor’, and for many years has done volunteer work with the Sydney Heritage Fleet. “Ray Rees spent the majority of his working life, thirty-one years in fact, in the Royal Australian Navy.  He enlisted as an apprentice […]