This recent publication celebrates 100 Years of Rotary in Australia, New Zealand and surrounding islands and has some wonderful stories of Rotarians and their projects.
Interplast was formed as a partnership between the Royal Australasian College of
Surgeons and Rotary to operate on disadvantaged children with facial disfigurations
in the Asia Pacific region. Since its formation in 1983 Interplast has held 46,645
consultations, performed 26,817 surgical procedures and 8,894 health treatments in
1,108 program activities. Children whose conditions cannot be treated locally are
referred to Rotary Oceania Medical Aid to Children (ROMAC) for assessment and
potential treatment onshore in Australia and New Zealand.
Shelterbox (formed by the Rotary Club of Helston-Lizard, Cornwall UK) is a globally
respected humanitarian organisation providing emergency shelter, essential items
and support to families and individuals. Since 2000, ShelterBox has responded to
disasters and conflicts in 97 countries assisting more than 1.5 million people. Rotary
Australia continues to support Shelterbox Australia with fund-raising as well as direct
program participation .
Two examples of many, which demonstrate how far Rotary has come from its first
community service project – building a male “comfort station” in the main commercial
area of Chicago, right in front of City Hall. (Rotary Club of Chicago 1907)