This is a mid-year Scholarship Report concerning our student
“Being awarded this scholarship has given me much needed resources that have improved my own educational environment. It has enabled me to work more efficiently and effectively in school and allowed me access to opportunities that have made me connect with my future endeavours, and this has ultimately facilitated change in my life. I have been granted an avenue where I am allowed to solely focus on achieving my own academic pursuits, by being granted with resources and supplies that have alleviated financial difficulties within my family. The laptop, broadband, prepaid card, tutoring, and other resources and opportunities have greatly assisted me”
Our Student is interested in a career in marine biology and/or environmental journalism.
She aims to achieve this through studying a Bachelor of Science or Masters in Marine Science and Management at The University of New South Wales or The University of Wollongong
Message from Harding Miller Education Foundation Scholarship Program Manager
Our year 11 cohort of scholars have settled in well to their new status as senior students at their schools. To assist in this transition from year 10, we extended an invitation to all our year 11 girls to attend an online study skills seminar focussing especially how to best manage their time and the increasing intensity of their schoolwork and associated commitments. This was followed by the opportunity to work on a range of career-profiling assessments and follow up interviews with careers counsellors – an opportunity to explore their strengths and interests and focus of a wide variety of career possibilities not typically explored at a school level. The group continue to show great resilience and maturity considering they have had to deal with COVID-disrupted learning