My name is Ivey Chedid and I am President elect of the Northern Beaches Rotaract. It’s lovely to electronically meet you all!
In the past couple of years, the Northern Beaches Rotaract has suffered a loss of members and relevance. Which is a shame given the significance of youth involvement in today’s society and the capacity of Rotaract to do great BIG things. 
With valiant effort, Sam Wilkins and I are on a mission to bring back Rotaract on the Northern Beaches and reform connections with all our district’s and other surrounding Rotary clubs. We would love to have you, as Rotarians, support Rotaract by spreading the message of our upcoming info night as far as possible. Share with your club members, your kids, your neighbours, your babysitters and your friends. As long as they’re above 18 years old and have a passion for the community, they’re perfect!
It’s soon and there will be free food and some games, so please use that as an enticing factor! Monday 14th August, 2023, 6:30pm at Manly Leagues club. 
Feel free to guide people to our Instagram and facebook pages as the information can be found there in a more visually appealing format! We are found on Instagram under the handle @rotaractnb and on Facebook as Northern Beaches Rotaract
I have attached a flyer that you are free to distribute as you please. Please keep Rotaract in mind when you meet young, driven people and please direct them to contacting me through this email address even if they can’t make the info night. 
We look forward to the bright future ahead of Northern Beaches Rotaract and the support of our respected Rotarians! Feel free to reach out and ask any questions or just get in touch.

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Wed Jul 19 , 2023
President-Elect James Humphery running his first lunchtime meeting at The Duck.  PE James ensured that (almost) Past President Mark was acknowledged at our meeting even though this photograph missed getting Mark in-frame!