Harding Miller Update


As we head towards the end of 2023, we would like to thank you for your generous support of the Foundation. This year we supported 602 scholars from Year 9 to Year 12 across every state and territory of Australia. This is our biggest group of students so far. 

This year on the program, 39% of students are from non-English speaking backgrounds, 15% identify as First Nations Australians, 34% are from rural or regional Australia, 25% have experienced domestic violence, 9% are refugees and 6% have experienced out of home care. 

We have received 643 eligible applications from 270 schools across Australia for 2024 scholarships. The last few weeks have involved checking eligibility, judging and moderation of these applications. We are proud to announce that we will be offering 206 scholarships in 2024. This is another record!

A big thank you to our 76 volunteer judges for their assistance in this process. 

Cara Varian Managing Director

Submitted by PP Di McKenzie-Rabu – Volunteer Judge HMEF

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Fri Dec 8 , 2023
We have been selling tickets for the last 2 weeks; turnover is currently approx $7500. We are trending towards a gross turnover of $9000. pictures is Brian selling a ticket to local State MP Felicity Wilson at the Mosman Night Market