Festival of Mosman

We have received the following from Mosman Council:

Thank you so much to the Rotary Club of Mosman for the sponsorship of the 2023 Festival of Mosman and for attending several events. I hope that it was a worthwhile and enjoyable experience for you.

We are very grateful for your generous contribution to make the 2023 Festival of Mosman success.

You can view our Festival of Mosman video featuring Council major events here: https://youtu.be/UloeRpd3sSo


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Xmas Raffle

Sat Nov 11 , 2023
Secretary Dom has sent out an email to start the process of organizing the ticket sales for the Annual Xmas Raffle. The first date will be Thursday 23rd November. It would be appreciated if each member (and anyone else who wishes to help) could sign up for at least 2 […]