Exchange Student Marco at the RI Convention in Melbourne

DG Mina Howard has posted the below entry on Facebook:

Here’s our wonderful exchange student Marco with Barry Starr from Mosman club. Marco is thoroughly enjoying the convention and is lucky to have the opportunity. But even better he was a flag bearer in the opening ceremony and had the honour of carrying the Canada flag, the flag of our International President Jennifer Jones. Jennifer came up to Marco and had a chat and Marco politely asked who she was. This is gold! Apparently she laughed and told him she was the leader of RI. Love this!

And here’s a photo of Marco carrying the flag!!

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Blast from the past - Cranleigh Rotary Club

Sat Jun 3 , 2023
PP Rob Sturrock has rescued the numerous Flags we received from visitors to our club. A fine example is the flag from the Rotary Club of Cranleigh England. It’s been going now for over 50 years and according to its website: Cranleigh Rotary is part of a national and international […]