PE James and PP Richard attended the International Meeting at last week’s District Conference. One aspect of the meeting was District Grants. These are funded by the Rotary Foundation but allocated by District. There is a limit of $2500 for domestic projects and $5000 for international projects. Grants are to be matched by club funds so the level of project funding is $5000 for domestic and $10,000 for international.

In order to apply our club has to meet certain criteria; steps are being taken to ensure that we again qualify for a District Grant.

Grant applications have to be submitted by 30th June. This coupled with the fact that P-E James will be overseas for much of June and July means that out club’s board will need to consider which potential applications at the May board meeting. Members should feel free to contact the relevant director with grant proposals but in view of the deadline should do this by the end of April.

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Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot Receives Financial Support from Rotary International Board

Tue Apr 18 , 2023
The Regionalisation Pilot Project Team Co-chairs Ingrid Waugh (NZ/Oceania) and Peter Frueh (Australia) have issued the following update: Following our all member communication on 14 March, the Regionalisation Core Team submitted the business case to the Rotary International Board on 11 April 2023, seeking financial commitment to commence the pilot. We […]