District 9685 eNews May 19th 2022

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In Rotary it’s often said that we hide our light under a bushel.
Rotarians take pride in our club and project achievements and we need to let the world know. I will argue that we are the lead district in Australasia. There are many measures and whilst we’re not the largest by membership, we pack a mighty punch in project output and contributions to Rotary-related charities.
Thank you for your generous response to the D9685 Greater Sydney Flood Appeal.
Rotarians, Clubs and public donations resulted in our appeal reaching $130,000 add to that $34,250 from a Rotary Foundation Disaster Response Grant.
Since early March, clubs in the Hawkesbury River area have been distributing store gift vouchers to those impacted. They continue to do so and by means of a 5% discount on Woolworths gift cards, our district will distribute about $170,000 of value for the purchase of; food, hardware, clothing, fuel and other essentials.
Speaking of generosity, my club visits reveal substantial funds raised and tangible engagement achieved with the community to support the community. Astounding results from raffles, fun runs, golf days, art shows, markets, music festivals, blood donations, bucket collections, gift wrapping, flower sales, tree & plant sales and even the humble barbecue, have all contributed as we Serve to Change Lives.
With just 6 weeks to go of this Rotary year I urge clubs to focus on the goals set and do all you can to achieve or surpass them. It’s not too late to update the Rotary International Goal Centre and achieve a Presidential citation.
I ask you to share your stories publicly, encourage others to join with us to sustain and expand the wonderful work we do, step out from under that bushel.
In this year alone, through 34 district and 17 global Grants you have converted AU$291,000 into AU$1,192,198 worth of projects and your contributions to the Rotary Foundation, allow others with the capability, to deliver positive change in the world.
These figures do not consider the value of the benefits to those who will receive the advantage of these humanitarian projects. Children educated, lives saved, villages with clean water and sanitation, crops improved, conflict resolved. The list is vast, and it can happen each time a Rotarian donates $100 to the Rotary Foundation to become a Centurion.
Where else do you get a return like that?
Stay safe.
Yours in Rotary
DG Lindsay May and Tania
Lindsay May OAM
District Governor 2021-2022


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Mon May 23 , 2022
MESSAGE TO ALL MEMBERS AND OOZOO DISTRIBUTION We advise that The Excellence in Workmanship Awards planned for Thursday 2 June at The Mosman Art Gallery has had to be postponed until further notice. Di McKenzie Vocational Director