Correction – Thanks for the enormous, dedicated effort by Richard and Derek

President Mark speaking on behalf of the Board and all our members, expresses his sincere thanks for the enormous, dedicated effort that Richard Vahtrick has made for around 12 months from late 2020 to late 2021, in writing our weekly OOZOO magazine. The timely issue by Richard every Sunday evening detailing the events, stories and ideas that motivate our members and make the Rotary Club of Mosman such a great success is greatly appreciated by all our members. We all thank Richard for all his long hours in the editing and weekly issue of our OOZOO magazine.

We also thank Derek Andrew who edited OoZoo from July 2017 to Dec 2020. 

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Women and Children First - Helping domestic abuse and homelessness victims

Sun Mar 6 , 2022
Women & Children First offers specialized support for women and children experiencing domestic and family abuse and homelessness. In support of former Mosman Rotary member Peter Young, who is now on the W&CF Board, our club put one table of twelve together to attend this event on Friday 4 March at […]
women and children first