A project of the Rotary Clubs of Sydney
Don’t miss meeting the former Chief of Australia’s Defence Force – Admiral (Retired) Chris Barrie AC – who will discuss Climate Change & Sovereign Risk and how it will directly impact Australia & the Pacific, Bangladesh, Europe and the world. And with our two other speakers, Admiral Barrie will outline what we can do about it.
Is there a gender bias for climate action? Zara Bending, Senior Lecturer at Macquarie University and expert in International Environmental Law, believes so – and will speak on how the law might help mitigate against these risks.
Together with Prof Will Steffen, an international environment researcher from the Climate Council – who will speak about ‘tipping points’ – you will come away with ideas about how you can make a difference.
Register via www.climateandpeace.com.au
If you have registered already, please tell your friends,
Regards from your Climate & Peace Team