Clean Up Australia Sunday 5th March

Help Clare Stockdale Clean Up Australia on Sunday 5th March 2023

Clare Stockdale has been involved in Clean Up Australia Day for over 30 years.

She has supervised different sites and currently does Chinaman’s Beach and Rosherville Reserve.

Seymour Major has helped her set up, enrol people, deal with the rubbish collected and pack up after.

Every year children help out, supervised by their parents, with neighbours and Rotarians/Rotariannes.

Recently there has been a lot less rubbish, which is good.

If you wish to join, you can register at on the day or you can make a donation.

Ian Kiernan

Ian Kiernan, who founded Clean Up Australia Day in 1989, sadly died in October, 2018, just before it’s 30th year.

The New Chairperson is Pip Kiernan and the Managing Director Terrie-Anne Johnson

Ian Kiernan and Clare Stockdale

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