Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday at Chinaman’s/Rosherville Reserve

Like previous years, Mosman Rotarian Clare Stockdale is supervising Clean Up Australia Day this Sunday at Chinaman’s/Rosherville Reserve from 9 am to 12 noon. Another Mosman Rotarian Seymour is helping set up as he does every year.

One of the focuses this year is discarded face masks which should be put into bins.  We’re counting how many we find.

Please speak to Clare if you would like to join her on the day.

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Correction - Thanks for the enormous, dedicated effort by Richard and Derek

Sat Mar 5 , 2022
President Mark speaking on behalf of the Board and all our members, expresses his sincere thanks for the enormous, dedicated effort that Richard Vahtrick has made for around 12 months from late 2020 to late 2021, in writing our weekly OOZOO magazine. The timely issue by Richard every Sunday evening […]