Clean Up Australia Day 2024

PP Clare is looking for volunteers to help out:

As I have from the beginning, I’m supervising a Clean Up Australia Day event.

I only supervise one event these days.

It will be at Rosherville Reserve and Chinaman’s Beach.

In 2019, Gladys Berejiklian came and Founder Ian Kiernan’s 2 daughters as Ian had recently passed away.

Also, Ken Done as he usually does because he lives nearby.

I’m not sure who will be coming this year but hopefully Mosman Mayor Carolyn Corrigan will be able to attend.

My Event No. is 42965 and people can sign up on the Clean Up Australia website or just show up on the day.

It will be from 10 am – 12 noon on Sunday, March 3.

Clare Stockdale

This is a photo of Gladys helping with my Clean Up in 2019!  Also Sally Kiernan and Pip Kiernan.

Ken Done came as well.  So I’ve been supervising Clean Up Australia for 35 years!

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Chèque présentation to Mary’s House

Tue Feb 27 , 2024
A great outline of the background and services of Mary’s House by Janine Wood. Followed by Community Sévices Director Ruth and President James presenting a half share of the Xmas Raffle proceeds.