A tremendous result this year given a slow start to sales – a huge THANK YOU to Brian Owles for championing our annual raffle, with all proceeds once again going to Bear Cottage.

Pictured here at the last Ticket Sellers Changeover are Treasurer Dave Jackson and member Sarah Harding handing over to PP Dom (and PP Di who took the photo).

PP Clare broke her own personal record of selling six books of tickets, by this year selling EIGHT BOOKS plus seven tickets!

We also advise that PP Clare sold the winning tickets for lst, 2nd and 3rd Prizes – Well Done Clare!

CHRISTMAS RAFFLE DRAW as published in the SMH
Prize Ticket number
1. Ken Done  0979
2. Pastures  1387
3. Newsagency Hamper  1969
4. Fourth Village Hamper  2646
5. Bear Cottage Hamper  0735
6. Jigsaw  1881

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Barry Starr visits the past exchange students

Fri Jan 13 , 2023
While overseas Barry Starr visited the past exchange students and met our new exchange student: Marco our new student Celso and family 1996 Bruno and Adriana 2000 Andre 2006 Pedro 2015 and Leopoldo 2020