Changeover Notes / Bulletin / Nomination of a Paul Harris Fellow

Thank you to all those that attended last night’s Changeover to thank the board for all their hard work & to welcome in our new board.

Whilst the numbers were down on previous years, the event was by all accounts a huge success.

Congratulations to Graeme as the recipient of a Paul Harris award, very well deserved.

Thank you to our special guests, DGE Mina Howard & her husband, Larry along with John Zhang.

It was good to see Danny Low and his wife Angeline who was looking very happy & healthy.

Thank you to our new member, David Jackson for stepping up to MC for us, he did a fabulous job (a natural).

Another very special thing happened, we got a new member, Shirley Owles, who is not new to Rotary as she was a member & president of Darling Harbour Rotary. Shirley announced last night, that she was so touched by the mood of the room, she decided that it was time to get back to Rotary. We are delighted to have you in our team Shirley, you will be a huge asset to our club & we welcome you with open arms & warm hearts.

Lastly, thank you to Dom & Di, if they hadn’t worked to tirelessly to get last night happening it would never have happened, so a huge thank you from myself & the members.

I look forward to welcoming you all next Tuesday at our new/old venue,, the Mosman Hotel for what should be a wonderful meeting with a superb speaker Commander Lees (ret), talking. On the Japanese submarine invasion of Sydney Harbour. Please also be aware that Commander Lees has suggested he needs longer than the allocated speaker time, so this meeting is likely to go to approx.. 2.30pm but if any member needs to leave at 2.00pm, that of course is perfectly understood.

See photos of the changeover below.

Mark Wallis


2022 Board
2022 Board


Graeme Robinson





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Thu Jun 30 , 2022
We are organizing a LADIES LUNCH  to be held on Thursday 4th August at the Middle Harbour Skiff Club.  This annual event has been thwarted over the past three years due to Covid and other distractions but it’s time to re-group and re-connect with old friends and to make friends […]