Dear President James and fellow Rotarians, Just returned from the visit to Philippines On behalf of Rotary and our Rotary Club of Mosman. We completed: Donation of 100 pairs of hearing aids from Australia to Rotary Club of Speech and Haering, Manila. Conducted the  “ Monitoring and Evaluation of Donation […]

President James has been reminding all members that October will be a very busy month for us. In addition to being sponsors of the Festival of Mosman we have a number of fundraising events: Saturday October 7th – Mosman Markets – Jigsaw Sales Sunday October 8th – Bunnings BBQ – […]

Dear ALL! I wish to extend a massive thank you to all of you for your part in making our Soiree 2023 such a success last night – already people are talking about Soiree 2024! It was certainly an eventful evening! Also an extended Thank You to Marie Young, and […]

After the resounding success of the Soiree last year we decided to run another. Bookings were slow to start with but soon picked up and by the night we had over 80 attendees. The night featured music from Louise Johnson – Harpist, Janet Webb – Flautist and Nathaniel Kong – […]

Members attending this weeks meeting were able to hear DG Christine explain the goals she has set for this year; – Clubs working together on larger projects – Getting all members to project a positive image when in public – Encouraging each club to have a significant Domestic Violence project […]

Here’s a chance for fellow Rotarians to help one of our Clubs win a grant of $20,000 to help further develop a fantastic community project. Mark Smith of the Rotary Club of Boronia has developed the “Knox Rocks” music program for a group of young people from the local area. […]

Council Meeting 5 September 2023 Mosman Council  7. MAYORAL MINUTES MM/6 Mayoral Minute – Vale Mary Louise Mclaws Mayor: Councillor Carolyn Corrigan  Recommendation That this Mayoral Minute be noted. That all persons attending this meeting observe one minutes silence to commemorate the life of Mary Louise Mclaws AO.  Mayoral Minute […]

Dave, Graeme, Ross and James started off by erecting our tent at around 7-7.30. At 8.00 Derek turned up and Dave and Ross left. In the next 2 hours we attracted lots of attention and sold 2 jigsaws with a promise of one more.At 10.00 Barry, Marco and Kazushi took […]

After Mosman Market Day on Saturday 2nd September and the Soiree on the 15th, we have a very busy Club schedule coming up in October:   Sat 7th: Mosman Market   Sun 8th: BUNNINGS Artarmon Sausage Sizzle (7:00am – 4:00pm)   Fri 20th: MOSMAN FESTIVAL Opening – BBQ Sausage Sizzle    […]

David Kerr, a past member of the Rotary Club of Mosman, passed away last week in the Royal North Shore Hospital David was a member from 2014-2018 during which time he and his wife Sharon made a substantial contribution to the success of our club (Sharon was an outstanding Editor […]

This October, Lifeline Northern Beaches (NB) will be hosting a free local community breakfast aimed at supporting local men’s mental well-being – You’ll Be Right Mate The breakfast includes a lived experience speaker, an expert speaker, a panel of local mental health service representatives, and a wide variety of local […]

Vietnam Veterans Day Service at the Mosman Cenotaph Vietnam War Memorial. Originally referred to as Long Tan Day it is the 50th anniversary of the war end.  Mosman Rotary, President James,  laid a wreath in memory of those whose life was taken.

PP Mark had an entry in the DG Newsletter: It is with a very heavy heart that I inform you of the passing of Professor Mary Louise McLaws today. You may well of heard this news on the news programs. I am hoping you could see fit to write something […]

After being approached by Mosman Council the club has decided to make a contribution to the festival both as sponsor and participant. The full program for the Festival will be available shortly. The opening day is expected to attract over 3000 visitors. During the opening day we will have the […]

We have received the following update from the project steering group Regional Council Governance across the zone will be overseen by a Regional Council elected by clubs. The Regional Council will be led by a Chair who will be supported by a Chair-Elect, with each serving two-year terms. As Rotarians […]

HARDING MILLER EDUCATION FOUNDATION – Year 12 Mid-Year Scholar Updates OLIVIA QUINCE – Coomealia High School NSW This year Olivia is the School Vice Captain at Coomealla High School. Olivia’s Coach Reflection – Olivia Quince has consistently achieved sound results in her assessments and exams, utilising the resources supplied through […]

We are collecting your old smartphone handsets and chargers for Sri Lanka’s underprivileged families throughout August and September. Contact   The Kathleen Keegel Children’s Fund (KKCF) is an Australian-based charitable organization working to help the underprivileged in Sri Lanka. 
Their vision is to promote the welfare of […]

The regular market has been in abeyance for a few months to enable the Mosman Square area to be refurbished. The updated area was officially opened by Stephen Ball MP and Mayor Carolyn  Corrigan with Federal MP Zali Steggall and State MP Felicity Wilson. A good opportunity for Ross and […]

After a short delay due to incoming President Jame’s travel plans, our Changeover Dinner took place on 28th July. Many club members and partners attended. Guests included State MP Felicity Wilson, Mayor Carolyn Corrigan, Mosman High Headmistress Susan Wyatt, PDG Mina Howard, DG Christine Owen, PAG John Zhang and AG […]

Our Brazilian Exchange Student, Marco turns 17 on September 5th. It is also over 6 months since he arrived to spend a year with us but at the same time away from his family. In order to celebrate his birthday PP Barry is organizing a dinner on 7th September at […]

Helen will talk about Streetwork Australia’s support of vulnerable young people in the community helping them to turn their lives around.  Streetwork works with vulnerable young people impacted by crime, poor mental health, destructive relationships, social isolation, school disengagement, poor employment opportunities, and those who experience alcohol and drug misuse.

The photo shows a small selection of the crew operating the fundraiser at Bunnings on Sunday. Many thanks to Dave and IPP Mark for organizing this and for spending most of the day over a hot selection of onions and sausages! Many of our members participated and there is no […]

KAI – NOW AND THEN Dear Rotary Club of Mosman Now it has been three years, since I returned from my exchange in Australia. Therefore, to honour the occasion I thought of giving you a brief update of what is going on in my life at the moment. There is […]

Barry, Derek and Marco were on hand to meet Kazushi together with District Committee members Susan and John Wakefield. Kazushi’ s plane from Haneda Airport, Tokyo Japan landed at 6.08am but it took an hour for him to come through with 2 very heavy suitcases. Kazushi will be at our […]

Dave Jackson proudly showing off our new pull-up banner as part of our club’s promotional upgrade for use at events such as the upcoming Bunnings BBQ at Artarmon and our Club Changeover this July, The Mosman Markets re-commencing in August and The Festival of Mosman in October.  Dave, with some […]

My name is Ivey Chedid and I am President elect of the Northern Beaches Rotaract. It’s lovely to electronically meet you all!   In the past couple of years, the Northern Beaches Rotaract has suffered a loss of members and relevance. Which is a shame given the significance of youth […]

RYPEN Sponsorship Dorian   It gave me great pleasure to introduce Dorian, our RYPEN student for this year to the Club.  Dorian is Erika’s great nephew and he currently attends Mosman High – grade 10. Prior, he attended Beauty Point Primary School, His best subjects this year were Philosophy and Mathematics, […]

Rotary Clubs on the Northern Beaches are preparing for this year’s Beach2Beach Charity Fun Run on Sunday 27th August. With three starts – at Dee Why (13km), Warriewood (6km) and Mona Vale (3km) – the event is open to everyone, from serious runners to families with strollers. All events end at […]

From Zali’s Facebook page: Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine, who today are experiencing the 500th day since the Russian invasion began on Feb 24, 2022. I met with Halyna Koscharsky and Kateryna Argyrou from the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations to hear more about this unjust and […]

Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary was founded on 29th January 1981 to provide an opportunity for business and professionals to meet together within the worldwide Rotary organisation for the purpose of service to the disadvantaged local and international communities. The name Chesterfield Scarsdale was created to differentiate the club from our founding […]

After 2 years in office President Mark Wallis is handing over the reigns to incoming President James Humphery. To mark the change in leadership of our club we will be holding a dinner to which all members partners and friends as well as friends of the club are invited. James […]

President Mark Wallis, PP Dom Rabu and PP Di McKenzie-Rabu attended the HARDING MILLER AWARDS CELEBRATION for 2023 held at Sofitel Sydney Wentworth on Monday 26 June.  They were able to meet our club’s sponsored student Olivia Quince from Coomealia High School NSW who is now in Year 12 and […]

DGE Christine has asked that we pass this on to all members; any suggestions can be passed on to the board who will consider the issue at next week’s board meeting. The National Australia Council have reached out asking for Rotary to help spread the message that nominations close on […]