PP Clare is looking for volunteers to help out: As I have from the beginning, I’m supervising a Clean Up Australia Day event. I only supervise one event these days. It will be at Rosherville Reserve and Chinaman’s Beach. In 2019, Gladys Berejiklian came and Founder Ian Kiernan’s 2 daughters […]
Photos from Graeme and Domingo project discussion last week; the aim to be ready for roofing sheets in a week or so
Janine Wood will be updating us on Mary’s House and accepting payment of part proceeds of the Xmas Raffle – $4500.
The Rotary Regionalisation Project rolls on with the inaugural meetings convened separately for each Rotary Community Group [RCG] to discuss several issues including: What do you wish to work on together? How will you work together? When and how often will you meet? F2F or by Zoom? Who might nominate […]
On Monday we welcomed a new member to our club – John Gessler. After the induction John gave a presentation of his life and connection with Rotary as a past exchange student. John concluded by referring to the Four Way Test and how he had used each aspect during his […]
Due to the success of Mosman Monopoly and Mosman Jigsaw fundraisers we have put together another concept to promote our club within our community, and beyond – Tea Towels using the maps already produced for Mosman Jigsaw! These Tea Towels will be available for sale at The Mosman Markets in […]
On Monday there will be a club forum with PP Graeme presenting a summary of the last board meeting. We will also be inducting our newest member, John Gressler.
At this weeks board meeting your board followed through on fund raising commitments: Christmas Raffle: the $9000 raised will go to Women’s Refuge charities, 50% to Mary’s House and 50% to Women and Children First. Australia Day BBQ: The $5250 raised will be split between the Melonoma Institue and The […]
And some comments and photos from PP Barry: I’m at Arita at Hiro’s family Porcelain Factory – it’s huge ! They employ over 50 workers A trip from Tokyo with Haruto to a Strawberry Farm- eat as many as you like Also went to the Starbucks Roasting Plant – amazing […]
National Centre for Childhood Grief (NCCG) The NCCG is a Sydney-based charity dedicated to supporting bereaved children aged 3-17 years after the death of their parent, sibling or other close loved one. Since 1994 the NCCG has provided free specialist care to thousands of Australian children. Their services include individual […]
PP Rob presenting PP Richard with his personal copy of the PRESIDENT’S YEAR BOOK 2020-2021 – a marvellous memento given to all our Presidents, with a further copy held at the Mosman Library. A big thanks to PP Rob Sturrock for his time and effort in continuing this tradition.
Sydney Airports recently requested that we treated the proceeds of our airport collection boxes in December and January differently than usual. Instead of using the funds to support our exchange students we agreed that these be donated to Guide Dogs NSW. Bary and Kazuhiro recently emptied the boxes with the […]
Our great Japanese exchange student, Kazushi, is all on his own now that Marko has gone back to Brazil. This weekend he excelled himself with 7 hours at the Australia Day BBQ followed by a trip with Barry to the airport to empty the charity boxes in Terminal 3.
The Heart Foundation has been the trusted peak body working to improve heart disease prevention, detection, and support for all Australians. Whilst our work has had a major impact on the survival rates of those suffering a heart attack and those living with heart disease, we will not be satisfied […]
A super day down at Balmoral with Ross and Derek reserving a space next to the wishing well at 5.00am and President James organising a van to bring equipment from the store at 7.00am. With new member John at the BBQ and numerous members at the counter and doing essential […]
PP Clare will be Site Superviser at Chinaman’s Beach and Rosherville Reserve from 10-12 on March 3rd. She has the following message to members: As in past years, I’ve created a Clean Up Australia Day at Chinaman’s Beach and Rosherville Reserve. It’s from 10 am to 12 pm on March […]
We have received an email from Bob Selinger, Coordinator First Nations’ Partnership Programs, Rotary Club of North Ryde: If there is one thing we have all learnt from the The Voice referendum it is that pretty well all Australians want to see improvements in the disadvantages that a large number […]
On Monday our club is presenting a Paul Harris Fellow posthumously to past Mosman Rotarian, David Kerr. David’s wife Sharon will be accepting the award. Below is a brief obituary drafted by PP Ward after David passed away : David Kerr, a past member of the Rotary Club of Mosman, […]
The building at Hera, Timor Leste proceeds under remote supervision of PPs Graeme and Richard:
We have been asked if anyone would be interested in maintaining a backyard garden for a local charity. Probably every 6 weeks or so mowing the lawn and maintaining plants, trimming etc. The volunteer would need own equipment. Could anyone interested contact PP Derek for further information.
Popular exchange student, Marko, left for his home in San Paulo Brazil on Monday. We all wish him the best for the future
Ian will be speaking about the proposed Sydney Harbour High Line. In 2016 the residents of Lavender Bay proposed a long-term plan which envisaged joint use of the train line between Lavender Bay and Waverton. The Sydney Harbour HighLine (SHHL) to comprise a walking path alongside a train line. In […]
Another banner saved by PP Rob Sturrock: It’s interesting to see that they also raise funds via a wishing well:
Our Christmas Raffle prize winners pictured here – 1st Prize – Coral from Mosman has ‘never won a thing in her life’ and was absolutely delighted to receive her original painting by artist Erika Beck, which will suit her apartment beautifully. 2nd Prize – Brigitte from Cremorne Point had recently […]
We will be having our traditional gathering next to the Scout Hall adjacent to Rowers. We will have access to the hall but no BBQ facilities. All welcome with their own food and drinks to consume or share. Start time is 5.30pm
Some photos from December showing progress on the construction
Still going strong with 26 members Presidente: Marcelo Palma de Oliveira Vice-presidente: Everton Rafael de Jesus Secretário: Jucimar Pelegrini de Almeida Tesoureiro: Luiz Tonete Diretor de Protocolo: ROBERTO BADIN Data de Fundação: 25/10/1962 Reunião: Terça | 20:00:00 Clube Padrinho: Rotary Club de Foz do Iguaçu Endereço: Rua Vicente Machado, 2055 […]
We have been selling tickets for the last 2 weeks; turnover is currently approx $7500. We are trending towards a gross turnover of $9000. pictures is Brian selling a ticket to local State MP Felicity Wilson at the Mosman Night Market
A MESSAGE TO OUR SUPPORTERS As we head towards the end of 2023, we would like to thank you for your generous support of the Foundation. This year we supported 602 scholars from Year 9 to Year 12 across every state and territory of Australia. This is our biggest group […]
Not only does our club get a mention but Ruth and Halyna are a feature!
As part of our clubs program to give awards to graduating students of local schools who have been recommended for their community service, Halyna and David arranged 3 awards at Redlands. Below is a letter received by President James from one of the awardees: Hi Mr Humphery, I’m Lachie. Today […]
“Message from President James” The Mosman Rotary Christmas Party will be held on: Tuesday 19 December at TRANS VIETNAMESE RESTAURANT (opposite Boronia House on Military Rd Mosman) 6.30pm for 7pm meal service. BYO. Further details to follow. Cost between $65 and $70 per person Cost will be confirmed once we […]
Dereks recent walking trip to S Korea and Japan ending with his obtaining Dual Pilgrim status
We continued selling raffle tickets this Saturday at Mosman Markets and at Military Road. We achieved a turnover of more than $2500 with the help of some jigsaw sales.
Oneland is a small registered charity based in Mosman (www.oneland.com.au) They recently collected sports equipment to donate to far north aboriginal communities. Our club has made a small donation to assist with transport costs
Past DG Mina Howard has recently returned from a trip to Norfolk and took the attached photo during her visit, understanding the interest it would have for Mosman Rotary Club members. “33 years ago, on 19th March 1990, then Mosman Mayor, B.S.J. O’Keefe AM, QC, along with D.E. Buffett AM, […]
Dr Peter Abelson is well known to our Club as a past speaker and in particular as a past Mayor of Mosman. Peter has a B.A. from Oxford University, M.Sc. (Economics) from the London School of Economics, and a Ph.D from London University. He has over 40 years of consulting […]
We have started this years Christmas Raffle in aid of Refuges for Women and Children. Thanks to community support we have 6 prizes listed on the tickets which sell form$5each or 5 for $20. We will be selling on Thursdays and Saturdays on Military Road outside the NAB branch as […]
The local team behind the primary school at Hera, Timor Leste has already started work with a groundbreaking activity last week
Last week Youth Director Halyna presented certificates and a small award of $100 each to three Queenwood students for outstanding voluntary work in the community. The names of the girls are: Year 8 – Zoe Fenwick Year 9 – Darcy Botheras Year 10- Zahra Jans
In his book, Sydney historian Trevor McAlister takes us on a series of tours throughout the metropolitan Sydney area. On each one he highlights a wealth of buildings and sites, giving us insights into the history of Australia’s first and largest city. Each tour takes a leisurely half-day to day […]
Again this year we helped to make a happy festive season for 8 clients of Mary’s House. Our club’s team (Di, Ruth, Ross Therese and Derek) prepared hampers with various goodies, appropriate toys and L’Occataine gift packs. Our budget of $1500 also allowed us to add a Coles voucher for […]
All members are invited to attend Erika’s joint exhibition opening 6-8pm Wednesday 22nd November:
Our guest speaker for Monday’s meeting is Mosman local, Brian Barry. Brian is nearly 100 years old and will be speaking to us about his Memories of Mosman. Some of Brian’s family will attend but they will be having lunch downstairs at the Mosman Hotel before our meeting so will […]
PP Richard and team have managed to get the School Project to the point that we have remitted initial funds to start the construction. Key points of the project are as follows: 1. The budget remains at US$30K. There is currently A$39K in the RAWCS account with a further A$15K […]
We have received an acknowledgment re our recent grant to assist Mary’s House combat abuse of women and children:
Our club has been a strong supporter of the program (http://www.booksinhomes.com.au/) for many years. We have agreed to continue with a grant of $2500 towards the provision of take home books at Plunkett Street Public School.
Secretary Dom has sent out an email to start the process of organizing the ticket sales for the Annual Xmas Raffle. The first date will be Thursday 23rd November. It would be appreciated if each member (and anyone else who wishes to help) could sign up for at least 2 […]
We have received the following from Mosman Council: Thank you so much to the Rotary Club of Mosman for the sponsorship of the 2023 Festival of Mosman and for attending several events. I hope that it was a worthwhile and enjoyable experience for you. We are very grateful for your […]
Monday’s guest speaker will be Dr. Will Davies who will speak to us about the Western Front – Then & Now. Attached is Dr. Davies’ CV. He has written books, screenplays, made corporate films and worked for the BBC, ABC, and SBS. Will is currently developing a range of history […]
PP Di McKenzie- Rabu was awarded in the recent North Sydney Council Garden Awards FIRST prize for the Best Balcony and Courtyard Garden. Congratulations to Di from us all at Mosman Rotary. October was a big Club effort for Mosman Rotary having managed a Market Day at Mosman Markets, followed […]
From PP Di who has been behind all our clubs efforts re the Mosman Festival Hi there President James and All – last night was a massive effort to start off our participation in The Festival of Mosman’s Opening Ceremony at Balmoral, effectively for us 3pm start to a […]
U-Do is a small island South of Jeju Island south of Korea. The carved statue of a water Buffalo was presented to the island by a club from Jeju City
Gus is a leading adviser on the complex global strategic environment. He has led the development of cyberspace, electronic warfare and command and control systems having served as Head of Army Modernization during his 37-year career with the Australian Army Gus was made an Officer in the Order of Australia […]
Over the last few weeks Di and Dom have been working on an explanatory handout to coincide with the Festival of Mosman. The plan is to print double sided A3 sheets and then cut them down to make 3 handouts per sheet approx 200cm x 90cm. The final wording is […]
Following our sponsorship o f the festival, we will be holding a sausage sizzle on the opening night. Our trusty BBQ heroes, David and Mark W, will be organizing this but many pairs of hands will be needed to help dish up the sausages and drinks to the many attendees. […]
Another fantastic effort organized by Dave and Mark W. Lots of member participation. Although it can be pretty intense from time to time it’s an enjoyable opportunity to work together and at the same time raise funds for our projects. As before we had a bit of trouble with the […]
Thanks to everyone [Ross, Therese, James, Di, Dom, Barry, Marko, Kazushi, Graeme and possibly some I have missed!!] who assisted today at our Mosman Rotary market day stand . Results from today. We sold 8 jigsaw puzzles , and received $10 donation. Our stand acted as a centre for community […]