Below is a proposal from PP Richard: Fellow members, as you are aware our Club has been sponsoring a number of activities in TImor-Leste for quite a period of time and most recently have had a major project underway with the building of the pre-school in Hera, a township around […]

Our new student is Christian Jansen from Simmerath in Germany. He will be turning 16 in November and will arrive next Wednesday at 10.05 PM. Shirley will be his counsellor; Barry will be his District Counsellor. He will be attending Mosman High. He will stay with Mark Wallis for a […]

Another Rotary year has rapidly passed, and I thank the Club members for their on-going support through the year. It was a fast-learning curve for me, yet I had great start-up coaching from IPP Mark Wallis, with many discussions over coffee and along with various Q&A sessions. As well support […]

The building program is now finished pending sign off from the engineer. The local team is now busy preparing a submission to the Ministry of Education and also seeking registration to the Department of Finance. The project now enters into the fitting out stage with an inauguration ceremony proposed for […]

Julio based in Hera reports: In here, I would like to update some progress Photo of Pre-School Project in Hera. The work that the Builders have done in last phase are; Ceilling, Dor, windows, and electrical instalation. Then, the toilet instalation, plumbing and painting are in the process to be […]

At the latest board meeting the very generous donation of $3000 from Hotel Mosman was distributed to 3 local charities in tranches of $1000 each: Mary’s House, OneLand and Taldumunde. In addition the board agreed a donation of $1000 to the Rotary Foundation in respect to Polio Plus; this donation […]

Northbridge Rotary has established a Super Lottery giving our members, fellow Rotarians and friends the chance to win $10,000  and, in the process, help raise funds for many of our Rotary community projects. Why buy a ticket     TERRIFIC prize of $10,000     GREAT ODDS Maximum of 1,000 tickets sold […]

Last week was the annual lunch for over 100 volunteers hosted by Mosman Council; PP Clare was present and provided a report as below: We had several tables of people who volunteer with Mosman Council. After we finished eating, Mayor Carolyn Corrigan presented Certificates of Excellence to people who had […]

Message from DGE Niranjan Deodhar I am pleased to advise that PP Barry Starr from Mosman Rotary Club will be your Cluster 2 COTA Representative for 2024 – 2027, a three-year term.   The purpose and function of COTA as described in the Constitution Part 4 includes ‘to control and […]

A very successful selling day given the bad weather forecast the day before ….we made around $800 with combined sales of Jigsaws and Mosman Tea Towels, including two donations.  Thanks for fellow Rotarians who volunteered on the day. Pictured L to R – Treasurer Derek, PP Di, Rotarian Ross, Susie […]

Members are invited to a special ANZAC Day dinner: Would you like to attend our special ANZAC dinner on Tuesday 23rd April 6.00 p.m. for 6.30 p.m. Roseville Golf Club, Links Avenue, Roseville.   The special program: 6.00 to 6.30 p.m. Fellowship 6.35 p.m. We gather outside under a flag […]

A message from OneLand’s Susie Agoston: We had great success last weekend – the truck left on Monday morning and everything was delivered to two communities by Tuesday morning. We hired a van for the extra donations, storing them at a friend’s garage until 20 April when I’ll be driving […]

Dear Members, Families and Friends, After some deliberation it has been decided to change our venue for the Social Dinner on Friday 5 April to ATTENTIVE THAI FUSION, which has a more extensive and less expensive menu and offers more flexibility with our group booking than the restaurant first selected. […]

Ross and Therese are organizing our ongoing presence at the Saturday markets. WE will have a stall there on Saturday 6th April to promote our club and Rotary and to sell some jigsaws and tea towels. Ross will be producing a time table for helpers in the next week so […]

Following on from the presentation on ONELAND a few weeks ago and our donation to help with transport costsPP Di has submitted the following: Susie Agoston , ONELAND, is a Mosman resident who co-ordinates deliveries of goods to the remote community of Brewarrina NSW. Pictured here is PP Di with […]

We’re inviting you to a night of fun and entertainment, experiencing classic Australian Outback folk culture with a modern twist! Whether you’re still wearing-in your boots, or you’re a well-heeled tapper and twirler, this is set to be a hoot and a half! TIME: 7:00 – 7:15 pm for a 7:30pm […]

OneLand is a local initiative which – respects and treasures the 120,000 years of knowledge and heritage in Australia  – promotes reconciliation and Indigenous social justice and humanitarian objectives through sports, education and the arts.  – opens an awareness to situations that may generally be misinterpreted or misunderstood.  – brings […]