PP Barry has been getting Christian settled in to start his year in Australia. Dinner at Trivia and a game of canasta with Joan Groth.
Last year our club sponsored a local student to attend the NSW Youth Parliament.
Dennis is a member of Kenthurst Rotary Club and a volunteer at Shine for Kids. “Some seven years ago, a local friend from Annangrove RFS and I became alarmed at the plight of women and children becoming homeless, so we decided to try and do something about it. Homelessness has […]
PP Barry met Christian on Wednesday night and on Thursday took him to Tambourine Bay
Below is a proposal from PP Richard: Fellow members, as you are aware our Club has been sponsoring a number of activities in TImor-Leste for quite a period of time and most recently have had a major project underway with the building of the pre-school in Hera, a township around […]
Our new student is Christian Jansen from Simmerath in Germany. He will be turning 16 in November and will arrive next Wednesday at 10.05 PM. Shirley will be his counsellor; Barry will be his District Counsellor. He will be attending Mosman High. He will stay with Mark Wallis for a […]
Jenny May has been an active member of Lane Cove Rotary since 2009 with a history tied to the club dating back to the late 1960s when her father and later her husband were members. After moving from Perth to Sydney at the age of 8, she has always lived […]
Another Rotary year has rapidly passed, and I thank the Club members for their on-going support through the year. It was a fast-learning curve for me, yet I had great start-up coaching from IPP Mark Wallis, with many discussions over coffee and along with various Q&A sessions. As well support […]
The building program is now finished pending sign off from the engineer. The local team is now busy preparing a submission to the Ministry of Education and also seeking registration to the Department of Finance. The project now enters into the fitting out stage with an inauguration ceremony proposed for […]
Kazushi said his farewells at last Monday’s meeting; PE Halyna gave him a guilt on behalf of our club.
Kirsty Nancarrow is an award-winning former ABC journalistwho grew up in Sydney, spent 10 years in Alice Springs, 2 years in London, and has called Cairns home since 2010. Kirsty founded Women in Media Far North Queensland and has been a passionate advocate for journalists, social justice,and gender equality throughout […]
Kazushi received his certificate for his year of exchange from DG Christine at the Farewell for this years exchange students.
PP Derek will go through the highlights of his recent trip to France; it actually was over 3.5 weeks, not 6 days!
Danny has been on an extensive trip concluding with a conference in Bhutan;
Julio based in Hera reports: In here, I would like to update some progress Photo of Pre-School Project in Hera. The work that the Builders have done in last phase are; Ceilling, Dor, windows, and electrical instalation. Then, the toilet instalation, plumbing and painting are in the process to be […]
At the latest board meeting the very generous donation of $3000 from Hotel Mosman was distributed to 3 local charities in tranches of $1000 each: Mary’s House, OneLand and Taldumunde. In addition the board agreed a donation of $1000 to the Rotary Foundation in respect to Polio Plus; this donation […]
Northbridge Rotary has established a Super Lottery giving our members, fellow Rotarians and friends the chance to win $10,000 and, in the process, help raise funds for many of our Rotary community projects. Why buy a ticket TERRIFIC prize of $10,000 GREAT ODDS Maximum of 1,000 tickets sold […]
Pam Hartgerink has had a long-term commitment to social justice, human rights, and community development, and has worked with refugee and migrant communities in Australia for many years. Pam has also worked as a volunteer through Australian Volunteers International (AVI) in Afghanistan, South Africa and Timor-Leste, working with local NGOs. […]
Last week was the annual lunch for over 100 volunteers hosted by Mosman Council; PP Clare was present and provided a report as below: We had several tables of people who volunteer with Mosman Council. After we finished eating, Mayor Carolyn Corrigan presented Certificates of Excellence to people who had […]
Our Hera team has received a full update. The project is on budget and nearing completion; Fitout to start soon
Message from DGE Niranjan Deodhar I am pleased to advise that PP Barry Starr from Mosman Rotary Club will be your Cluster 2 COTA Representative for 2024 – 2027, a three-year term. The purpose and function of COTA as described in the Constitution Part 4 includes ‘to control and […]
We have been awarded a small grant c/o local MP Zali Steggall. This is to support our activities and not to service a specific grant. Our club will probably be using the funds to update the club website – more news to follow
This is an opportunity to get an update on the Rotary Regionlisation process; more importantly a chance to ask questions and hopefully get answers
Following an update on WCF activities President James and Community Services Director PE Ruth presented 50% of the Xmas Raffle proceeds to Peter Young and Michelle Povah.
Women & Children First is the Dee Why refuge organisation we have supported for a number of years. In line with the District Governors request that we focus on Domestic Violence issues we used our annual Xmas Raffle to raise funds for 2 local organisations, one of which was Women […]
L-R: PE Ruth, Président James, PE Halyna, Speaker Jen Banfield, Mary Bluett
Ross and James represented our club at an Anzac Day ceremony at the Cenotaph. A wreath was presented by President James: President James also laid a wreath at the ANZAC day Dawn Service at Georges Heights:
This Monday we will be celebrating the continued work we do as custodians of the Balmoral Wishing Well with an update on the work of the Melanoma Institute and presentation of $4000 raised in their support. Mother, businesswoman and soon-to-be Pilates instructor Jen Benfield has lived with Stage IV Melanoma […]
PDG Lindsay has participated in the annual Sydney Hobart Yacht Race for the last 50 years – the only sailor to achieve this fantastic milestone. He will be speaking about the various adventures he has encountered in this challenging event.
President James and PP Barry hosting a stall at the event organised by local State MP, Felicity Wilson Several T Towels and jigsaws sold raising almost $300.
A very successful selling day given the bad weather forecast the day before ….we made around $800 with combined sales of Jigsaws and Mosman Tea Towels, including two donations. Thanks for fellow Rotarians who volunteered on the day. Pictured L to R – Treasurer Derek, PP Di, Rotarian Ross, Susie […]
13 members and partners spent a pleasant evening at Attentive Thai Fusion
Members are invited to a special ANZAC Day dinner: Would you like to attend our special ANZAC dinner on Tuesday 23rd April 6.00 p.m. for 6.30 p.m. Roseville Golf Club, Links Avenue, Roseville. The special program: 6.00 to 6.30 p.m. Fellowship 6.35 p.m. We gather outside under a flag […]
A message from OneLand’s Susie Agoston: We had great success last weekend – the truck left on Monday morning and everything was delivered to two communities by Tuesday morning. We hired a van for the extra donations, storing them at a friend’s garage until 20 April when I’ll be driving […]
Tabitha and Olivia have had the benefit of our club’s contribution to the Harding-Miller program of support to girls needing support as they progress through High School. They are great examples of the benefits and success of the program.
Dear Members, Families and Friends, After some deliberation it has been decided to change our venue for the Social Dinner on Friday 5 April to ATTENTIVE THAI FUSION, which has a more extensive and less expensive menu and offers more flexibility with our group booking than the restaurant first selected. […]
Ross and Therese are organizing our ongoing presence at the Saturday markets. WE will have a stall there on Saturday 6th April to promote our club and Rotary and to sell some jigsaws and tea towels. Ross will be producing a time table for helpers in the next week so […]
The MV Cape Don Unlocking human potential through connection with and greater understanding of our unique learning and development environment, the heritage ship, the MV Cape Don. Our Mission To educate, inspire and explore the past to inform our future providing a unique community hub for social and economic […]
Following on from the presentation on ONELAND a few weeks ago and our donation to help with transport costsPP Di has submitted the following: Susie Agoston , ONELAND, is a Mosman resident who co-ordinates deliveries of goods to the remote community of Brewarrina NSW. Pictured here is PP Di with […]
SCHOOL FOR LIFE WORKS IN RURAL UGANDA WHERE, WITH YOUR HELP, WE HAVE MADE A REAL IMPACT WITH OUR COMMUNITY-LED PROJECTS IN EDUCATION, HEALTH AND EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS. We’re a little charity making a big impact! Your generosity and the generosity of people around the world helped us establish Katuuso Primary […]
We’re inviting you to a night of fun and entertainment, experiencing classic Australian Outback folk culture with a modern twist! Whether you’re still wearing-in your boots, or you’re a well-heeled tapper and twirler, this is set to be a hoot and a half! TIME: 7:00 – 7:15 pm for a 7:30pm […]
The project continues with a probable completion date of mid to late April. Graeme, Barry, Richard and Ward are now looking into the final fit out and provision of furniture and equipment.
WE are holding a fellowship event on Friday 5th April between 6pm and 9pm at local restaurant – August The Old Place. Unless we have more than 20 attendees, ordering will be a la carte – see sample menu below. Wine is BYO. We will be trying to gauge numbers […]
PP Mark Wallis would like to invite members to share his table at The Taldumande Family Dinner Fundraiser taking place on March 21st. Full details are below and on the Taldemunde website. Please contact PP Mark to make arrangements to attend: Special guests, comedy legend Mickey Robbins and the ‘Original […]
After considerable work our new fundraiser was launched at Mosman Market on Saturday. PP Di with some input from Dom, James and Derek organized a supply for sale at the market. Sales of both jigsaws and towels have been steady raising a total of $1405.
OneLand is a local initiative which – respects and treasures the 120,000 years of knowledge and heritage in Australia – promotes reconciliation and Indigenous social justice and humanitarian objectives through sports, education and the arts. – opens an awareness to situations that may generally be misinterpreted or misunderstood. – brings […]
A great outline of the background and services of Mary’s House by Janine Wood. Followed by Community Sévices Director Ruth and President James presenting a half share of the Xmas Raffle proceeds.