Artwork of April 2022 Week 4 – Erika Beck

Erika Beck is a local Mosman artist and is nominated to be Local Artist of the Month April 2022 by Mosman Rotary Club. Enjoy her art work of the week below :

Sea Garden 1 By Erika Beck
Sea Garden 1 By Erika Beck Images of the Coral, Memories of the Barrier Reef

What the traveler can do to help the Great Barrier Reef. As an artist, I was always enchanted by the landscape the Daintree, Port Douglas, Cape Tribulation and of course the Reef. I have painted images of the Daintree before, having stayed there on a painting trip with a group of painters, but this time it was the Reef, both above and beyond the water line, which inspired me. Partly to give support, and partly to show my appreciation for the beauty which is so abundant. 

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A quick tour of Parliamant

Sat Apr 23 , 2022
A quick note asking for members to show their interest in attending NSW Parliament for a quick tour, lunch in the Strangers restaurant & then to listen & watch question time from the gallery. The date is tentative at this time but I should have a confirmation from Lisa Forest […]