Members are invited to a special ANZAC Day dinner:

Would you like to attend our special ANZAC dinner on Tuesday 23rd April 6.00 p.m. for 6.30 p.m.

Roseville Golf Club, Links Avenue, Roseville.


The special program:

6.00 to 6.30 p.m. Fellowship

6.35 p.m. We gather outside under a flag pole.

                  A bugler will play ‘ the Last Post’

                  The  ‘Ode’  will be recited by PP  Noel Cislowski   

6.50 p.m. We return into the dining room

                   Induction of new member Robert Madden , our 6th and 30 years old.

 7.00 p.m.  Dinner

7.30 p.m.   Special guest speaker Richard Wilmott    

                    Topic: ‘The Bangka Island Massacre February 1942.

                      His aunt Bessie Wilmott was one of the Australian Nurses killed by Japanese soldiers.

8.15 p.m.    Close.


  1. We encourage all attendees to wear military badges of any relatives.
  2. We will be joined by members of the Rotary Clubs of Lane Cove and Crows Nest and may be Chatswood International.

     All members of the Rotary Club of Mosman are most welcomed.

  1. Neat dress code as befit the occasion, please  

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Sat Apr 6 , 2024
13 members and partners spent a pleasant evening at Attentive Thai Fusion