A quick tour of Parliamant

A quick note asking for members to show their interest in attending NSW Parliament for a quick tour, lunch in the Strangers restaurant & then to listen & watch question time from the gallery. The date is tentative at this time but I should have a confirmation from Lisa Forest early next week so we can lock this in. It will hopefully be on this day (9th Aug) which is a Tuesday so it will obviously take the place of our usual lunch meeting on that day. We can give plenty of warning of this so people can schedule in their diaries & invite their partners along etc. The cost will be approx.. $75 p.p for a two course banquet lunch & transport (coach if we get the numbers) to & from Parliament house in Macquarie St.

Please let me know if you would be interested in the tour.


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We will be back at the Rowers for next Tuesday 26 April Rotary Lunch Meeting

Sat Apr 23 , 2022
We will be back at the Rowers for next Tuesday 26 April Rotary Lunch Meeting.